Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Shout the Words and Dance like Crazy

sometimes you just need to babysit to put everything into perspective.

i babysit for one of my friends and she has 4 girls. KK who is 8, kenzie who is 6, jack jack who is 4, and jazzy who is 2. needless to say, its a handful. and not only that but i also have to basically babysit the ladys brother and his cousin who are 23. its sad when you have to get onto a 23 year old for something that the 2 year old knows not to do..

it has helped me to see even more things that i do not want in a man. like immaturity(if that's how you spell it), extreme sarcasm, and disrespect. if you can't treat me like i have a brain, and you undermine my authority, get away from me. im so over being treated like an imbecile just because i am under 18. NEWS FLASH. im more mature and have a far greater intellect than you ever could.

i also know that i dont want kids until after college and am settled in my marraige. cause this household is crazy. just sayin.

i also need a bluray with netflix and pandora. because it is awesome.

the kids have shown me how to live life to the fullest. they also make me realize that things that seem hugely important and devastating at one time, are usually not that bad and get better in a short time. i now know to live in the moment and give everything i do my all. if you're gonna listen to pandora, you have to shout the words and dance like crazy.

all this and that katy perry is great dance music. oh, and black men usually think they can dance amazing, when really it is just sad.  poor stanley.

Friday, June 15, 2012

wide awake

long time no write. mostly because i keep forgetting i have a blog. haha.

so here's the thing. i know in previous blogs i have talked about my struggles with being single and having a very few amount of friends. and i bet you didnt see this coming...

...its still the same...

but in the process of the past year, one of the worst school years ive had in a while, ive learned quite a few things.

1) boys my age are stupid, like 98% of them, and they ARE GOING TO HURT YOU. no matter what they tell you, what they promise, and what your friends think, its usually a lie. they do what they have to, to get what they want. and lets face it, most dont think with their brains.

2) then there are the other 2% of guys. they are a rare breed. if you find one, dont let anything seperate you unless Jesus says so. because trust, if you do, someone else will appreciate him and take him away faster than you can blink.

3) teenage girls suck. once again, there is the 98/2 thing. 98% of them only think about boys, drama, boys, drama, and more boys, which leads only to more drama. most of them are not fit to live, love, or reproduce, much less be a legitimate friend.

4) then the 2%...if you are lucky and blessed, you have at least one person who is there for you no matter what. that one person your age who gets what you are going through and can laugh at your stupid jokes. someone who isnt a boyfriend or whatever.

5) in the end, it always comes back to Jesus. when im mad at the world and everyone in it, when im so broken i just wanna stay in bed for forever, when i feel so alone that i dont know if i can stand it for one more minute, He is always there. no matter what i am going through, He stands with me, holds me close, builds me up, listens to my problems, and cries with me. there is no friend or lover like Jesus.

*in the words of stephanie frizzle, He can love me more in a moment than other lovers could in a lifetime.

the past year has made me wide awake, opened my eyes to the decisions i make and those of the people around me. ive learned to be more cautious, and to run everything by Jesus first. He is the answer to everything.