Saturday, January 21, 2012

kitchen knife set??

have you ever had that feeling that you've done something or had the same experience before?? yeah, that's called deja vu and ive been having alot of that lately. not the best experiences either. for instance, recently i lost a really good friend and it did not end well. we both ended up hurt but dealing with all the issues and drama that came with it kinds scarred me and me relationship shy. well lately it seems that the same thing is happening with nearly all of my friends and its freaking me out. is it me?? am i the problem?? at this point i only have one really good friend and one okay friend left. sure, there are people i converse with, but its not the same. *sigh* i mean seriously, what is up? just when i need people to talk to and stand behind me, i suddenly find a kitchen knife set in my back. i wanna be like "guys, i didnt ask for cutting utensils for christmas or my birthday, so why am i suddenly getting so many??" haha. oh well. no one ever said that people are trustworthy. im coming to realize that Jesus is the only one who is truly always there. of course that doesnt mean that i will always remember that or listen to reason. trust me, i will probably do the exact opposite, but thats me for ya. well thats enough ranting for now. peace out.

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