Wednesday, December 28, 2011

single and ready to mingle(:

seriously. this has become depressing. when you catch you and your best friend strolling through walmart scouting for guys, you know there's a problem. hahahaha. this happened to me and my beloved kayla today. we even resorted to texting the 23 year old that likes me(a story for another time) to try to get him to send us a embarassing. hahaha. i never thought we would hit that low but desperate times call for desperate measures, you know? I NEED A MAN!!!!! hahahahahhahaha. oh jeeze. just so you know, we aren't some type of mondo whores or anything. we're just lonely(: what makes it even worse is that we get hit on all the time(not to sound cocky or anything) and have guys flirt with us, they just don't ever do anything about it. and the ones that have acted, so far, in nice words, should not be allowed to reproduce. at all. period. just our luck, of course. and as we sit here, alone and bored, things are getting ridiculous. shoot. me. please. hahaha. gosh, this is why we are best friends. we both see our need for a man that is not being fulfilled and can comiserate with each other. all we can do is pray that God sends us someone sooner rather than later, cause i dont know how much longer we can last hahaha. we have come up with the perfect man his name is Nedabokeljayony. it is pronounced                knee-dah-bah-cal-jay-ony. are we crazy? of course. are we going to tell you who the name represents? HELL no. just thought that i would inform you that we know what we want and i dont plan on settling for any less. you feel me? hahahaha. so anyway, the whole point of this blog is to say that, if you know of anyone who you think would like us, let me know(: peace out.
single and lonely(: